One Off Economic Support Payments for COVID-19
19 March 2020
Age Pensioners and other nominated recipients of some Centrelink benefits will receive a one off payment of $750 per person. The legislation was passed through parliament on 23rd March. To be entitled, you must be in Australia and be receiving a benefit or payment at at 12/03/2020. The cash payment will be automatically paid into your bank account between 31/03/20 and 16/04/20.
Don’t forget to advise Centrelink of your current income and assets
30 November 2017
If your income or assets have changed by more than $2,000, you are obliged to advise Centrelink within 14 days of this change. Centrelink regularly issue advice letters with rights and obligations printed on the back. So to avoid any over payments – or indeed underpayments which will not be backdated – please ensure you advise Centrelink of your correct details.
Age Pension Solutions will be more than happy to assist you with these updates. Simply give us a call if you are a client of ours, or wish to be, and we will advise Centrelink on your behalf.
Pension Card Reinstatement
01 July 2017
In June 2017, the federal government announced plans to reinstate the Pensioner Concession Card again, to pensioners cancelled because of changes to the assets test.
You don’t have to do anything to get the card. If your pension payment was cancelled on 1 January 2017 because of changes to the pension assets test, we’ll send it to you automatically from 9 October 2017.