When you or someone you love moves to an aged care facility, it can be a busy, emotional time.
Centrelink now provides the information the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA) needs on assets and income to determine your Aged Care fees.
However, many people find this information confusing – and don’t want to risk missing out on their entitlements.
Let Age Pension Solutions provide Peace of Mind by taking care of the Centrelink paperwork for you.
We will:
- Determine your Hostel/Nursing Home fees.
- Tell you the pension rate you are entitled to - and make sure you get it.
- Identify any steps that may help you increase your pension or decrease your fees.
- Advise you of the impact of your options – for example, whether or not to sell the family home.
- Take care of all your Centrelink forms, correspondence and records throughout the year.
- Give you free access to all Age Pension Solutions services for 12 months.